  • Service
  • Service Territory Data Import

Service Territory Data Import

Territory Data Extraction and Upload Process
This section explains how to setup data extraction from EAuto and import the data into PIVOT. Once Data is in PIVOT the user will then be able to setup technician territories, manipulate those territories and view them in several different ways.
Provides instructions on how to setup an EView. A basic understanding of EViews is necessary to complete the task (Setting up Eviews Section 1.2) of extracting territory data from EAuto and preparing the data for importing into PIVOT
As part of the data preparation and prior to data import into PIVOT, Address Verification and Geocoding (Section 7.2) must be completed. Once Address verification and Geocoding are completed the data is ready to be imported into PIVOT (Section 7.3).
Address Verification-Mapping Adjustment (Section 7.4) allows for the manual adjustment of Latitude and Longitude of a single machine or group of machines on the Territory Map this is helpful because at times the geocoding process will place a unit or group of units on the wrong spot on the map
Auto Import Territory Process
In this section we will walk you through the process of Auto Importing your Territory data into PIVOT (Section 7.5)
Service Territory Mapping
This section describes the different views that can be customized on the Territory Map (Section8.0) including Populating the map by Segment, Manufacture and Model, Equipment ID, Serial #, or Customer      Name
You will learn how to create new territories (Section 8.6), edit existing territories (Section 8.7) and how to delete territories (Section 8.8)
Provides instruction on how to export PIVOT Territory Data into EAuto (Section 8.11) for automatically routing of service calls to the proper technician based on the criteria the user has input in the PIVOT Territory Map