
7.3 Import Territory Data - Manual Process

In this section we explain the GeoCoding and Uploading process of your Equipment data.
Before Beginning this process, your should first:
1. From the Home page Select Territory Management, Create Service Territories, Import Territory Data
2. Select blue Upload icon
3. Select Geocoded B/W Data File from your computer
4. Starting with the Column 1 dropdown window, link top Pivot Columns with the appropriate Data Columns
NOTE: The below columns will be present in your GeoCoded data set however will not be linked to PIVOT data row
5. With all appropriate Columns linked, select the Next button
Data Filters are used to eliminate equipment from your data import that does not have an Active Service Contract,  meter collected or Service Call completed in a specified time fame. The Default Time frame is 18 Months.
6. Data Import Filter
a. Include in Data Import - These are the activity Dates that will be included in data upload (default 18 month)
b. Import Devices that Contain a Current Equipment Contract (Recommended)
7. Exclude in Data Import
8. Exclude in Data Import - Exclude territories from data upload
9. Exclude in Data Import - Exclude Techs ID from data upload
10. When filtering is complete select the blue Next button
11. Select Segments for any Highlighted Model Segmentations not identified by Pivot. If no Equipment is highlighted,
       Select Next to skip to step 14.
12. Choose correct machine segment for the dropdown
13. select Next button
14. Correct bad or missing Zip Codes
a. Use the Validate all Zip Codes once corrections are made
15. Use Replace Suspect AMV button to automatically average Suspect Meters.
NOTE: The saving processes could take a few minutes
Select Save
 16. Select Ok button to overwrite previous uploads (if applicable)
17. Select OK to complete B/W file upload and to start Color data upload
18. Link upper column with lower columns, only the below fields are required for color data
a. Serial Number
b. AMV (Color)
19. Select Replace Suspect AMV Color Icon Then Select Save
20. Select Ok button to overwrite previous uploads (if applicable)
  21. Select OK to proceed to Mapping tool