
16.2 Business Valuation Calculator

Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay.
Objective: Use PIVOT to enter some basic annualized business numbers generated by your organization to determine a basic valuation of the organization. A trailing twelve-month P&L statement is recommended for this tool.
1. With your Secure Login credentials, log into https://www.prospivot.com/login
     Ex. Joe.Smith@companyname.com
2. Home Screen
3. Select Sales:
     - Business Valuation Calculator
4. Data Entry- Company & MFP/MPS Info
     Note: A current financial statement is recommended for this report
5. Data Entry- MNS
6. Data Entry-  Profit & Loss Input
7. Generate Report