16.1 MPS Brown Bag Survey
MPS Brown Bag Survey
Abbreviation for Managed Print Services. Refers to comprehensive services for optimizing the office printing environment and reducing costs.
Objective: Complete questions that will determine printer fleet cost of ownership. PIVOT will generate a fleet cost and savings analysis.
Ex. Joe.Smith@companyname.com
2. Home Screen
3. Select Sales:
- MPS Brown Bag Survey
4. Enter Data for Printer Fleet Cost of Ownership & Managed Print Savings
Company Info
Printer Fleet Data
5. Click the Blue button to Generate Report
6. Review Printer Fleet Current Cost and Managed Print Program Savings
7. Email client an Analysis, select the Email Saved Analysis Button
User will receive and emailed analysis from Support@prospivot.com
7. To Generate a PDF Analysis, select the Export Saving Analysis Button
Sample PDF Analysis