
11.3 Input Service Data

Input Service Data consist of the below primary sections:
1. Add Data - Used to add Financial/Productivity Data
a. Financial Data - Use Financial Trend Document created by CFO
b. Productivity Data - Requires Pivot Input Report data described in section 11.7
2. View Data - Used to View previously uploaded Financial/Productivity Data
3. Loading Financial Data: select Add Financial Data:
4. Select the the blue icon labeled Add Financial Data
5. Using the Financial Trend Document created by your CFO
6. Populate the Add Financial Data window and hit submit. Financial data is now loaded
6. Adding Productivity data under the Input Service Data tab
a. Refer to section 11.7 - How to download Pivot Input Report from eAutomate
7. Select Add Data then Import Productivity Data
8. Select Month and Year you wish to load data for, then select Upload button
9. Select your saved Pivot Input Report
10. Map Your Data - Link the columns of your data to the columns in PIVOT.
11. Select the Drop down from the PIVOT column and match it to the appropriate column from your data. Please note that all Bold column names in the drop down are required fields.
12. View Data Tab - This shows all stored Financial and Productivity Data loaded into PIVOT
13. View Financial Data Tab - Select View for the month you wish to open
Financial Data view
14. View Productivity Data Tab - Select View  or Delete for the month you wish to open
Productivity Data view
15. To close view select any main tabs across the top of PIVOT