
11.2 Running Service Reports From EAutomate

1. In EAutomate - Select Report Console then Custom Reports
2. Select DGI Elite Service Report - Pivot Input Report
3. Select Date Range
a. For uploads in to Service Reports (Section 11.1), run each month separate
4. Select Technicians
a. Using Advanced Filter, select field technicians
5. Run Report
6. Exporting Report
a. Select Export icon in EAutomate
b. Select folder on your computer to save export to
b. Select File Format - Excel Wookbook Data Only
c. Export and Save
7. Open Saved Export file
8. Delete of non-relevant data rows and column
9. With non-relevant data removed
10. Format columns G, H and I to Numbers with no decimal points
11. Continued
12. Select folder you wish to save your file to
13. Change Save As Type file format to .CSV Commas Delimited and hit OK
14. Pivot Input file is now ready to load
15. Proceed to 11.2.a