
10.2.d. Sales Rep Profiles

Navigate My Account/ Profiles/ Sales Rep Profiles
1.     Click the Blue Tab “Add Sales Rep from Territory” if the Territory Map has had Sales Reps created (Arrow #1)
2.     Click the Blue Tab “Add” to add a Sales Rep that has been created in the Mapping Tool
3.     Select or fill in Sales Rep Type - Sales Rep Name - Sales Rep ID - Monthly Salary/Draw – Monthly Comm./Bonus – Manager Name – Email (Necessary for Verification) – Password
4.     Select the “Check Box” if Sales Rep will be submitting Daily Activity
5.     Click the Blue Tab “Submit
6.     Action Complete
7.     Click the Blue Tab “Add Sales Rep” (Arrow #2)
8.     Select or fill in Sales Rep Type - Sales Rep Name - Sales Rep ID - Monthly Salary/Draw – Monthly Comm./Bonus – Manager Name – Email (Necessary for Verification) – Password
9.     Select the “Check Box” if Sales Rep will be submitting Daily Activity
10.     Click the Blue Tab “Submit
11.     Action Complete
12.     To Edit, Delete or send a verification email to an exsisting Sales Rep Profile Click the Blue “Gear” below the Action header
13.     Edit will allow all fields in the Sales Rep Profile to be edited the same as if a new Sales Rep was being added
14.     Delete will perminantly Delete the Sales Rep Profile from PIVOT once the Blue Tab “Submit” is clicked on
15.     Clicking on the “Verify Email” will send an email to the Sales Rep. Below is an example of the email the Sales Rep will receive
16.     The Sales Rep will need to Open the email and Click on “Verify Email” (Green Arrow)
17.     Sales Rep Profile setup is now complete