
9.1 Data Extraction & Creating Car Stocks

1. Log into EA w/user credentials
11. From the Home page go to Territory Management / Parts Management / Create Car Stock / Import Parts Usage Data
12. Select number of months your report data was run for (9 Months Recommended)
a. Select the blue Upload button
13. Choose most current Material Replacement and Yield Report Saved as .CSV Commas Delimited
14. Starting with the Column 1 dropdown window, link top Pivot Columns with the appropriate Data Columns
NOTE - All Data Columns must be linked
15. Select Next
16. Using the Parts Data Filtering remove all Toner from you data using the delete icons, once complete,
this information will be permanently saved in PIVOT
17. When data completes processing select Save
18. If Car stock data has been loaded previously you will prompted to overwrite existing data, Select Okay
18. Select Okay to start processing
NOTE: This process will take a few minutes
19. When Pivot has completed Car Stocks you will receive a completion notification email