
15.1 Market Share and Staffing Report

Market Share
Market share represents the percentage of an industry, or a market's total sales, that is earned by a   company over a specified time period. Market share is calculated by taking the company's sales over the period and dividing it by the total sales of the industry over the same period or total sales within a specific territory.
Objective: Define sales territory and input information to allow PIVOT or Dealer to generate a specific market share plan to increase annual sales revenue and gain additional market share.    
Staffing Report
Staffing is the process of hiring, positioning and overseeing employees in an organization.
Objective: Input information that will allow PIVOT to recommend correct staffing levels for meet the specific market share plan developed by the organization.
Market Share & Staffing Report
1. With your Secure Login credentials, log into https://www.prospivot.com/login
     Ex. Joe.Smith@companyname.com
2. Home Screen
3. Select Sales:
     - Sales Reports
- Market Share & Staffing Report
4. Market Share & Staffing Reports
     Verify data is correct
5. Review of Territory Market Share Information
6. Review County DPI (Document Production Index)
7. Review Staffing results
8. If required, Export reports.