
14.2 View Sales Rep Daily Activity

View Sales Rep Activity
The sales metric Activity Per Rep is the total number of tasks (or activities) that a sales representative completes in a given time period. This includes phone calls, emails, meetings, presentations, demos, proposals, and live chats.
Objective: Select a sales rep, month and year to view sales activity data. In addition, PIVOT allows you to search for sales data.
1.1 With your Secure Login credentials, log into https://www.prospivot.com/login
     Ex. Joe.Smith@companyname.com
1.2 Home Screen
1.3 Select Sales:
          - View Sales Rep Daily Activity
1.4 Select Sales Rep and Month/Year for Activity
1.5 View Activity Report
     - Date
          - # of Proposals Written/Submitted
               - # of Move Forward Appointments
                    - # of Current Customer Cyclic Visits
                         - # of Demos/Trial
                              - Total # of Deals Written
                                   - Total # of Deals with MPS Component
                                        - # of MNS leads submitted