
14.1 Sales Performance Expectations

In order for the members of your sales team to be successful, they must know exactly what defines “success” in your organization. It's critical for sales leaders to establish and communicate expectations with their sales reps early on and enforce them on a continual basis.
Objective: Complete questions and select month ending for 90-day actual sales rep performance.  PIVOT will generate a comprehensive Sales Territory Performance Expectations report.
1. With your Secure Login credentials, log into https://www.prospivot.com/login
     Ex. Joe.Smith@companyname.com
2. Home Screen
3. Select Sales:
     - Sales Performance Expectations
          - Create Performance Expectations
4. Sales Territory Performance Expectations Tool
     -Input data
     - Select Blue Calculate Performance Expectations button
5. Review Territory Expectations and Performance Results
     - Select Blue Create & Save Sales Standard Selling Document button
6.   Expectations saved. Click OK to Proceed to Performance Standard Settings
7. Select Sales Rep
8. Select Blue button to view/edit information
9. View Sales Rep Performance Expectations overview