
11.6 Call Quality Audit

The Call Quality Audit Tab is designed for Service Management to perform Field Service Audits, Communicate Audit Results to Techs and Track Audit Results.
The audit is fully customizable by the PIVOT Executive.
Select Call Quality Audit, then select from the below list of options
Perform New Audit
View Saved Audits
Call Audit Summary
Tech Audit Frequency
Potential CQ Audit List
Perform New Audit
1. Select Manager
2. Select Tech
3. Populate ALL blanks regarding Customer and Equipment
4. Each Section of the the Electronic Audit Form has the Following (from Left to Right)
d. Option Icons
5.  Once Audit is complete, and ALL sections are filled in, you will need to Electronically sign the Audit and email to technician
6. Field Manager Override - Manager has the option to override a failed Audit due to Specific Reason
7. Add Manager Signature - Manager will select Add Manager Signature button to store their signature
8. Add Section - Used to add section(s) to Quality Audit form
9. Save the Audit Results and Email to Tech - This selection will email the Electronic Audit form to the Audited Tech and permenately store the Audit Results in PIVOT.
10. Manager and any one else list in the notification section, will receive a email confirmation from Support@proselitegroup.com
11. View Saved Audits - Select Call Quality Audit / View Saved Audits
12. Select Technician
13. Select Blue Action Icon to View or Delete Audit
14. Call Audit Summary - Select Call Quality Audit / Call Audit Summary
15. Audit Summary Report - View all performed Audit details and Re-Email unsigned Audits
Information Included
16. Email Audit to Tech for Signature - Used to re-email unsigned Audits to Tech
17. Technician Audit Frequency - Detail information regarding Audits performed during a specific time frame.
NOTE: This report is emailed every Monday morning to all signed up for this notifications (Section 10.3)
Information Included
18. To view Audit Frequency, Select Month desired
NOTE: Productivity data must be loaded for the selected month
19. To Export Tech Audit Frequency report - Select Export icon
20. Pop up Window will give the option of PDF or Excel Export