
11.4.c Territory Comparison Report

3. Territory Comparison Report: This report will compare current territory data to the previous territory data loaded
This report can only be run if the user has 2 territory data files that have been loaded into the territory mapping tool . If the user has only loaded 1 territory data file, then when the user selects the “Territory Comparison Report” from the pulldown menu, then PIVOT will indicate the message: “Must Have 2 Territory Data Files Imported to Perform a Comparison
Once the user has 2 territory data files loaded, then PIVOT compares the “Oldest” territory file to the “Newest” territory file. The goal is to compare each “Territory Name” in the oldest file to that same “Territory Name” in the most current Territory file in order to see how each territory has changed (see below Territory Comparison excel document). 
Also, if a “Territory Name” is contained in one territory file but that same “Territory Name” is missing in the other territory file, then you will see the message that PIVOT will generate for the Territory file that is missing that same “Territory Name”. On the attached “Territory Comparison” report this area is highlighted in Red.