
11.4.a Productivity Report (Req Auto Extract)

1. Productivity Reports - Tech Productivity Report will show how the selected technician performed against the Benchmarks for the time period selected.
2. Select Service / Service Reports / Productivity Reports / Tech Productivity Report
3. Select Date Range and technician (s) then Generate Report
4. Productivity Results will populate at the bottom of the page
5. Export Productivity Report by clicking on Export to Excel or Export to PDF buttons
6. Tech Call Detail Report - This report will show service call details for the technician (s) during the time period selected.
a. Calls listed are in the order taken by the individual tech
b. Call Time Highlighted in Red - First Call Arrival Times
c. Call Times Highlighted Green - Last Call Close Times
7. Select Service / Service Reports / Productivity Reports / Tech Call Detail Report
8. Select Date Range and Technician(s) then click Generate Report
9. Detail Report will populate at the bottom of the page
10. Export Report by clicking on Export to Excel or Export to PDF buttons
11.  Part Yield Analysis Reports - Parts Analysis Reports will show parts Replacement information against the manufacturer estimated yields during the selected time period.
a. Total Parts Yield Analysis - Items that Failed to Meet Life and the Pro-Rated Dollars Lost due to premature part replacement
b. Top Parts Not Achieving Life - List Top 30% of Parts Not Achieving Yield
c. Tech Premature Parts Failure Analysis - 30% of Tech with Highest # of Premature Parts Failures
12.Select Service / Service Reports / Productivity Reports / Parts Yield Analysis Report
13. To execute report, select Date Range and Report Type then click Generate Report
13. Report will populate at the bottom of the page
14. Export Report by clicking on Export to Excel or Export to PDF buttons
Total Parts Yield Analysis Report
Top Parts Not Achieving Yield Report
Tech Premature Parts Failure Analysis