
12.8 Mapping Views-  Assign By Equipment ID, Serial #, or Cust. Name

12.0 Sales Territory Mapping
Select View & Territory Mgmt.
12.8 Mapping Views-  Assign By Equipment ID, Serial #, or Cust. Name
With your Secure Login credentials, log into https://www.prospivot.com/login
     Ex. Joe.Smith@companyname.com
Home Screen
Select Territory Management:
     - Create Sales Territories
          - Access Mapping Tool
 Select the Views & Territory Mgmt. Tab
From the View window click on the dropdown arrow
Select type of view from drop down window – Example below “Assign by Equipment ID, Serial #, or Cust. Name”
Select the Territory Data Overview tab
·     Using the search window, enter one of the search criteria
·     ID Number
·     Serial Number
·     Customer Name
Click on the Search Category dropdown
·     Select the proper category to match your criteria
·     select the Search button- Use key word search
Note: This box will pop-up if a key word is not entered
Select the Search button
From this point you can view / create Territories based on the specific Territory criteria by selecting the desired technician and using the drawing tool located in the upper right-hand corner of the map to assign equipment
Repeat these steps for Serial # and Customer Look up
Once complete with this task, click on the Select the Views & Territory Mgmt. Tab and return to Assign by Equipment ID, or select another view