
10.6.b Financial Mapping (Req Auto Extract)

NOTE: Financial Mapping determines how financial information is displayed on the Financial Data Dashboard Section 17.6. User must set all GLs Accounts for Revenue and GOGS
1.     From My Account/ Settings/ Financial Mapping
2.     Select either Service/Supply Financial Mapping or Sales/Admin Financial Mapping.
Service / Supply Financial Mapping of GL Codes
Select the Category Below That You Want to Map.
Select the GL Codes Associated the to Revenue Categories Below.
3.     Select:
4.     Select categories to include in Financial Mapping Dashboard Section 17.6
5.     Select Sub-Category Type and GL Codes to Map
6. Select All GLs associated to Categories chosen
7. Select GOGS Financial Mapping categories to include in Financial Data Dashboard Section 17.6
Service / Supply Financial Mapping of GL Codes
Select the Category Below That You Want to Map.
Select the GL Codes Associated the to COGS Categories Below.
8. Select All GLs associated to Categories chosen
9. Double Click To Remove Mapped GL's Categories Selected
10. Select Sales/Admin Financial Mapping categories to include in Financial Data Dashboard Section 17.6
11. Select:
Sales / Admin Financial Mapping of GL Codes
Select the Category Below That You Want to Map.
Select the GL Codes Associated the to Revenue Categories Below.
12. Select Sub-Category Type and GL Codes to Map